January 15, 2005


Just returned from a day trip to Barcelona.

Pics in a jiffy.

Posted by Dennis at January 15, 2005 9:02 PM

1 Comment

I must say, i have been following your page for a few months now and love it. Its great to see the goings on of a artist and their studio. I am always amazed at the sheer amount of paint you must go through, the thinchness of it on your works. As a painter myself, i was hoping for a bit of shop talk, as i am curious as to whether you are painting with 100% oil paint or are you useing some sort of medium. And if so, what? I love the photos of all those beautiful mounds of pure colored paint in your studio. They always make me want to go right back into my own studio. Keep up the wonderful work and i will continue to read. Thank you.

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