May 25, 2007

Summer 2007

This summer starts after Memorial Day weekend with a flight out to Tokyo for my show that opens Saturday June 2nd. Much fun and wonder to ensue.

I'm only there for a week, sad to say. My natural resistance to tourista (strange, since both of my studios both here in Los Angeles and in Tossa are prime tourist sites) prevents me from going walkabout in that wonderful country. My calendar is rough, too. I have to factor the work I have to do both here in LA and in Tossa, and this keeps my hands from being idle too long.

A couple of months are all I can afford in the Costa Brava. ?Que lastima, Tio!. But I am looking forward to seeing our freinds there, burning the studio down in between snorkel runs and bar-b-ques and local music in the endless summer Tossa bar crawl.

I can smell the stone of our old house and the Mediterranean salt air already.

Posted by Dennis at May 25, 2007 10:49 AM

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