July 3, 2010

Quicu Kiko

Kiku Kiko.gif
I have always known my friend Francisco as Kiko. I have come to learn that this is a specifically Castellano name, his nickname in Catalan is Kiku. Actually, Kiku is my version spelled phonetically. In Catalan, Kiko is Quicu. As Catalunya is becoming more prominent (there is a huge news story around these parts about a statute submitted by Catalunya to the federal government in Madrid in a bid to gain more autonomy for this region, something that's not going too well at the moment), it is interesting to see how the local Catalan population is relating more to their heritage.

Alberto filled me in on the other Castellano and Catalan nickname variants for Francisco: Kiko, Quicu, Curro, Currito, Cesc, Xisco, Xiscu, Paco, Paquito....

Posted by Dennis at July 3, 2010 3:20 AM

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