November 3, 2010

So Far


Miguel Marcos has been kind to put a show together in his gallery in Barcelona of the paintings I created in Tossa de Mar, Spain this past summer. The title So Far is derived as I do with a majority of my titles from the archives of this blog, chosen from the vicinity of the time in which the works were created. The words So Far has been a favorite of mine for some time. It suggests distance and longing, of time and space measured, an indication progress, a suggestion of the work I've done to date (as in "Recent Work" so common to painter's solo shows)...

At the beginning of the summer in Tossa, I asked a friend if So Far could be translated into tan lejos in spanish. He said "...yes, but it could mean so many other things." Good, I thought. Just what I was looking for.

Posted by Dennis at November 3, 2010 5:21 PM

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