November 14, 2011


At the risk of nostalgia, I'm posting this sugar sweet video from the U.S.Navy about Combat Information Center (C.I.C.). This is a way to render a little more vivid, for you dear reader, one of the early chapters in my life. It may considered to be a fine or trivial point of biographical detail, but the arrogance of art and artists is the bet that such things will become important in the interpretation of an ouvre. Pardon the chutzpa and allow me to annotate my own bibliography with a video or two.

One reason to join the Navy is to see the world. I saw a lot of it via radar and other segments of the electromagnetic spectrum. Isn't it kind of Kantian, moving through the world inside a kind of cranium wherein you constantly model and remodel a representation of it?

Here's a more time specific video from that era of mine:

Posted by Dennis at November 14, 2011 1:18 PM

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