November 11, 2023

Opening tonight in the Bowery.


Tonight I have a solo exhibition of paintings whose subject is centered around the period when I was painting text based works, in and around 2016.

HELM Contemporary is a new gallery founded by collectors of my work, George Parra, Karina Aergudo and Jian Liang. Around two years ago, they started to discussed the possibility of starting up a gallery whose business plan is based on their own experience as young collectors encountering the art market and knowing that there are a lot of people like them, accomplished professionals who have a native appreciation of art, who have been awakened to the adventure of art but who are to a significant degree, daunted by the formidable, mandarin, byzantine, elitist Fine Art world. Their business plan is a simple and direct matching of supply and demand: there exists a pool of accomplished artists who have yet to be granted representational entry to the realm of the Mega-Galleries and there exists a pool of potential collectors who have yet to be granted entry to the realm of the Mega-Galleries. They feel they know enough to start, that time is of the essence (the captains of the Mega-Galleries are keenly aware of this as you might learn with cursory research), and they know that there is much to learn going forward. They're willing to grow on the public stage, and I've seen them grow from my point of view. Intrepid.

Following posts will color in more background in the making of this exhibition.

Posted by Dennis at November 11, 2023 4:41 PM

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