May 3, 2004

El Ultimo

OK. The title of this entry was to be "Extremis", but as I sit here in this internet cafe, I hear a lady say these words to her child... I figure it?s slightly better.

First of all, the bad news. Stephanie?s father has taken a turn for the worse. He has been fighting cancer for the last nine months and even though he?s been tough, the cancer has been a little bit tougher. (I wrote a description of it, but it seems a little too much, this last sentence will have to do.) Stephanie is on her way back to California. We don?t know how long she will be there, we?ll know when she sees her dad. Meanwhile, it?s me and Juno in this big house.

At this moment, I?m in a town South of Tossa, called Blanes. I?ve been looking for a hardware store that a local construction worker in Tossa told me about... but no luck. it?s past eleven and it looks like I won?t make it back for the Spanish class in time (sorry honey, I?ll make it this Wednesday) but I figure it?s best to do one thing right instead of two things wrong. My last resort was to ask a local policeman for the whereabouts of this "ferreteria", but either I didn?t understand or he was guessing. I saw this internet cafe, and I thought I might as well try to blog it (my last attempt failed as an internet cafe in Tossa).

Today?s mission is to get some glue and brads to fix the linen to the panel. (Did I report that I have had a panel made by a local carpenter?) Whatever happens, this must be made manifest today. Tomorrow, I go to Barcelona to hack into the contemporary art world there and find a decent art store. I need matt resin bad. Or gesso. If successful, I get to paint soon. As for the artworld search, I don?t know what I?ll find. I?m going to go first to the Museo de Artes Contemporania (sp?) near the old city center and ask people there what?s happening. I might seem a bit geekish, but that hasn?t stopped me before.

Also, We have phone line installed and I get to call about an internet sonnection today. They tell me it?ll take fifteen days. Stay tuned!

Posted by Dennis at May 3, 2004 4:25 AM

1 Comment

Hi D, sorry to hear about Stephane's Dad, our very best thoughts going out to both of you and your families. Glad everything seems to be going well otherwise and I look forward to Eing you ASAP. I have some stuff to discuss with you--not urgent but the sooner the better. And nothing critical but you will be very interested. My show is up, looks good(in my humble opinion), and has been recieved with interest. I'll send some pictures once your wired. Also anxious to see some Tosa pictures--liked the sound of the storm. Be well and talk soon. A

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