September 8, 2004

Markus' Studio

Earlier, I wrote about visiting Markus Weggenman's studio shortly before departing Z?rich. Markus was kind enough to send me these jpegs.....

I thought I would play with this here computer and see if I can point out a few things in Markus' fotos:
MArkus Weggenmann2b.jpg


Posted by Dennis at September 8, 2004 2:57 PM


a great, clear-- concise, run-through markus' studio--thanks.
this work is so sexy and I like the dematerializing of the image content, and that you pick up on this. The light that informs both erases and reconfigures and not only gets me thinking about abnormal privileged sight--being in the right place at the light time--but also how the less than expected perfect gets one reflecting--not ernest to move, instead enjoying the cameo appearances of the out-of-direct-visual-contact experience-- holes and reflections-.. well, the images speak for themselves.

Thanks and you're welcome, Brent.

Many of the qualities of Markus' paintings that you observe reflect my conversation with him on the visit.

Markus makes his own catalogs, a bound collection of digital prints (the scanned gouaches) combined with a shot of the finished painting, reflections transforming the painting, two paintings in one... thus, two images to convey one work.

The painting lies across a spectrum of media, a kind of ghost or spirit form, the disembodied related to various embodiments. The mineral scratch and smell and ooze of gouache on one hand... and a state of the art technical assembly on the other.


hey dennis,
nice to be back. did you get your underwater digital camera yet?

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